"By experience we find out a short way by a long wandering."
--Roger Ascham


There's been a Mr Wizard marathon on the Science Channel (formerly the Discovery Channel) since last night. The episodes are obviously circa 1950, which made me wonder how long he'd been on the air. I wonder no more. What a fun show.
I don't know how he got to my second-story window ledge, but I had a little squirrel friend visit me this morning (sorry about the fuzziness, the stupid screen obscured him).
Sooooooooo cute.
The mayor of London is on my cool list today.

"Parents who use four-wheel drive vehicles to take their children to city schools were tonight branded “idiots” by London Mayor Ken Livingstone.
“When you see someone trying to manoeuvre it round the school gates, you have to think ‘You are a complete idiot’.
“These are not cars which people should be using in London. They’re bad for London and they’re totally unnecessary. They’re largely a status symbol. If you’ve got that much money to spend, you could spend it on a better holiday. I would.”"

I would, too.


Interesting site that gives a prediction of how you'd like a movie based on your ratings of movies you've seen. Pretty interesting, though I didn't test the results too, too much.

(geez, I'm really tired and I can't remember or find what site I found this on...)
This is exactly how Tech is. I don't think Tech girls deserve the bad rep for being ugly or for having TBS. But there really aren't many girls here, and I've seen a few dogs having their day...

(BTW, the costume in that second picture is so She-Ra, Princess of Power, not "Chiana" as they want to claim)


Robots protest in Madison. And to think, I could've ended up there for next year. UIowa better get stocked up on their crazy pills.

(link courtesy of boing-boing)


Weird story from FARK. I don't understand the logic of the redemption theory (if there is any), but it is interesting... I think the redemption theory is one of those "theories" that give Theories a bad rep.