"By experience we find out a short way by a long wandering."
--Roger Ascham


Happy Turducken Day!

Recently I've been hearing a lot about turduckens. According to the all-knowing Wikipedia, a turducken is turkey stuffed with duck stuffed with chicken. And this fowl mutant is thought to be of Cajun origin. Hmm, now I must try this someday, along with deep fried turkey (thanks, southern roots) but not tofurkey, which I've heard is gross. Ooh, there was a bird consisting of 17 birds! Read the turducken entry and look at bustergophechiduckneaealcockidgeoverwingailusharkolanbler.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Smells like a headache

I'm highly sensitive to strong smells, especially chemical ones. Department store perfume counters are mortal enemies. Friday was a painful day in that regard. I went shopping and in my travels, I keep ending up walking behind smokers puffing on their nicotine dispensers. Thus the smoke went up my nostrils and gave me that mild throbbing pre-headache feel. Then I wondered why it seemed like an excessive number of people were smoking? Does cold windy weather promote lighting up? Argh. Smoking should just be banned everywhere. For my health and sanity. And there'd be one less thing that I would complain about.

I don't know if you're familiar with this store, but Lush is a British import much in the vein of The Body Shop, but a lot more aggressive maybe? More in-your-face and modern perhaps. I've only stepped foot in one of these stores in San Francisco, and that was enough for life. The smells are so overpowering that I got the headache sensation again, plus the employees didn't seem too friendly (an accusation I've hurled at H&M before). Friday I merely walked by the store and its open door and got the painful head feelings. Darn store. That's why The Body Shop is tops in my book and Lush and the lame Bath and Body Works are lower tier.