"By experience we find out a short way by a long wandering."
--Roger Ascham


The Friday Five

1. Do you enjoy the cold weather and snow for the holidays? Yes, especially since I got a super-warm jacket as a graduation present from the parents.

2. What is your ideal holiday celebration? How, where, with whom would you celebrate to make things perfect? I like what my family does, we wake up early christmas morning, and go through the same routine of trying to get everyone up before we go into the den, then into the den to go through stockings, then into the living room for Santa presents, followed by under-the-tree presents.

3. Do you do have any holiday traditions? There's a walk-through of the historic Victorian neighborhood back home that I used to go to every year. Maybe someday I will be home for that again...

4. Do you do anything to help the needy? I keep meaning to volunteer for Project Open Hands, but I wouldn't start volunteering at the holidays because I'm sure they could use a volunteer in March more than now, when everyone volunteers.

5. What one gift would you like for yourself? I'm hoping for some Jane Austen movies from Santa.


I'm graduating from Georgia Tech tomorrow morning.

This post violates the rules of What not to do when you blog, but I'm happy and I wanted to post a picture of G. Wayne and the towers (link courtesy of lotsofco and pictures courtesy of a google search).

Three things: Funny quotes from the Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood

Vivi: Don't talk to me like that Teensy, I'll knock you into the middle of next week.
Teensy: And I'll kick your sorry ass on Thursday.

Caro: The only disease that can survive in our bloodstreams is alcoholism.

Caro: We'll leave you alone, but we'll be listening from the kitchen so talk loud

Can I just mention that Maggie Smith is in EVERYTHING. I mean, I knew she was in this movie, the Harry Potter movies, and Gosford Park. But she was in Clash of the Titans, the Secret Garden... Now if only she had a cameo in Bridget Jones's Diary or Clueless- she could be my favorite actress.
Will Durst's 2003 Totally Full of Crap Award goes to Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld.

Play Who the heck said that?? at Alternet. I got 5 out of 6 which is much better than my score last year.

My favorite quote was "The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence." (hint: he's totally full of crap). That's some interesting logic.


The sky was amazing around sunset tonight. The clouds looked like they had frozen, then cracked.

Full sized pictures (so you can look carefully and see that I'm not crazy):
Best Picture
It is really amusing to see the search terms that get people to my site. First it was finals away messages, now it's the Kelis song about Milkshakes. First of all, I was serious in my previous post about Kelis. "Caught Out There" is a great song, better than this milkshake nonsense.

However, for the sake of my google-ing audience, here's a link to the Urban Dictionary that is probably right about the meaning of the song. The truth is never as cool as the mystery. You can use the Urban Dictionary to find other definitions involving milkshakes, but the one I linked is my guess (well...except that I don't what "I could teach you, but I'd have to charge" has to do with that-- maybe she makes push-up bras???)


I don't want to traumatize anyone involuntarily, so I'm just linking a funny-evil picture which my friend labeled "They found Nemo!". Haha...

(yeah, Blogger was down and I had to queue up posts again... I'm addicted.)

As I will soon just be a staff member and not a true Techie, I'm passing the torch to future Tech girls:
Here's a line-up of the hotties you can expect to meet at Tech. You'll find them scanning your ports, making weirdo comments to you in class, and emailing you to ask you out. As we say here (and as they say at Case Western, according to sources) "The odds are good, but the goods are odd."

This fine selection of Tech boys actually don't look that bad. Their market value plummets once you see them crouched over a computer monitor.


Okay, I'm studying and watching Simple Life. I swear, I'm studying. What's up with these girls? How are they so bored all the time? According to the E True Hollywood Story I watched the other day (this is the trashiest-sounding post....) Nicole just went to rehab in October for cocaine addiction. I guess they're used to a very very exciting life.
Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?
Edgar Bergen

(I tried to find more quotes relevant to the list below, but with not too much success. Oh, and I'm about 15 hours away from being done with undergrad, woop.)


I feel like such a sham. Four people have been led to my web page to find quotes for the reason that is apparent above (I don't want to say it, cause I might get even more stragglers.) But I just never posted anything of the sort. I posted comments that involved these words.... far apart, not even in the same post.

Oh screw it, here are some great quotes for you to use as your finals week away message (!!!!!!!)

If things aren't going so well:
"From now on, I'm not doing anything I don't want to do! The world owes me happiness, fulfillment, and success . . . I'm just here to cash in."
-- Calvin, from Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat. (Calvin & Hobbes)

"Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow."
-Mark Twain

If life were fair, Elvis would be alive and all of the impersonators would be dead. - Johnny Carson

Rosencrantz: Shouldn't we be doing something - constructive?
Guildenstern: What did you have in mind?...A short, blunt human pyramid?

It's all gonna' turn to dust in a million years anyway, which to the universe is an ice sculpture on an August day. ~Christopher Baldwin

Random acts of nerdiness:

What did one math book say to the other math book?
~I've got problems.

Once you can accept the universe as matter expanding into nothing, that is something. Wearing stripes with plaid comes easy.
--Albert Einstein

"You can cut a brick of sodium with a butter knife. Why you would want to do that, I can't imagine. But you can."
--Words of wisdom from my chem prof (Dr Block)

"There are only two kinds of food: good and bad. Also, all of life's big problems include the words 'indictment' or 'inoperable.' Everything else is small stuff."
--Alton Brown (of Good Eats on the Food Network)

"I think we all know that people don't have to be smart to have opinions."
--Some guy on Tech Talk

For the other Psyc majors out there:

Niles: "He's obviously dealing with repressed material, not to mention the obvious oedipal issues."
Martin: "Gibble gabble garble goop"
Niles "What?"
Martin: "Now you know how it feels."

or my compilation away message, which I truly used for all of fall 2002's finals season (yeah, the whole lot of them):

If I'm not here tomorrow, I've gone to Mexico.

"Oh, Mexico
It sounds so simple I just got to go
The sun's so hot I forgot to go home." - James Taylor

"I still love you that's the way it goes,
He's got you, I've got Mexico." - Eddie Raven

"If you're gonna go
I'm giving you the key
Only if you'll go
All the way to Mexico" - J,LC

"You better bend before I go on the next train to Mexico." - Incubus

"Oh baby, I was bound
For Mexico
Oh baby, I was bound
To let you go." - Cake

"I've got a sickness, can't leave Cancun." - Nelly

"Rodeo or Mexico
The only way
I know how to decide
Is just to get on and ride"- Garth Brooks
Max linked to an article on that low-calorie, "life-extending" diet. I have several issues with this diet, and as I couldn't vent entirely in his comment section, I'm elaborating here:

- We have enough of an overpopulation problem without everyone living twice as long.

- Other things can kill you. Being hit by a car after 50 years of starving yourself to live longer would suck

- You'd have to save a heck of a lot of retirement money

- The extra years come at the end, when you're way old. It's not like you get 70 extra years of being a 20-something. As the doctor says, it can "potentially add decades at the far end of the life span."

- All of your friends and family have to do it too, or you'll be like the Frozen Man in James Taylor's song--

"I thought it would be nice just to visit my grave
See what kind of tombstone I might have
I saw my wife and my daughter and it seemed so strange
Both of them dead and gone from extreme old age "
"You want a beer?"
"It's seven o'clock in the morning!"
-Mr Mom


(Blogger was down, and as stress makes me a prolific blogger, I've been queuing up posts.)

This is the most akward headline I've seen in a long while:
Missing student suspect's sister wanted him watched

It took me two or three reads to piece that one together.

I like what the police sergeant called the alleged kidnapper [The sergeant grew up with the guy]:
"When they were children, "there was nothing unusual that made me think he was a weirdo," Moreno said."

Weirdo is an understatement (but of the funny variety that a 15 year old would use).
PSA: Have you heard that new song by Kelis... you know, the one about milkshakes? Well, I'm ahead of the curve on Kelis. She sings the best angry song ever written- Caught out there (AKA I hate you so much right now). It's much better than the milkshake song (so go ahead and listen to it, even if you haven't heard the new one).
A holiday story from Dave Barry:


Once upon a time, not so long ago, there was a little boy named Bobby. Or maybe Billy. Whatever his name was, his family was very poor.

''What is the true meaning of the holiday season, father?'' asked the little boy.

''Season's Greetings,'' said the father.

''Season's Greetings?'' said the little boy. ''What does that mean?''

''I don't know,'' said the father. ''But it's inoffensive. Anyway, the point is, no presents, OK?''

''OK,'' said the little boy, for he was a good boy.

As the holidays grew closer, the little boy tried to think about the true meaning of Season's Greetings, instead of thinking about presents. But it was hard, and he was sad. And then, one night, when he was lying in bed, shivering from the cold because his family was too poor to own a house and his bed was outdoors, he saw a light appear in the sky. At first it was dim, but then it grew brighter and brighter, until it was the brightest light in the whole sky.

''It's a special star!'' thought the little boy. ''Maybe it's a magic star! Maybe if I make a wish, my wish will be granted!''

And so the little boy wished that his family could have presents for the holiday season.

But then he heard the sound of a motor, and he realized that the light was not a star: It was a police helicopter with a searchlight. And the little boy was very, very sad.

But then it turned out that this was not an ordinary police helicopter: This was a magic police helicopter, and it had heard the little boy's wish. And so, using a cable, it lowered a crate containing $800 million in cash.

And the little boy's family had the very best holiday season ever, until the next year, when the magic police helicopter gave the little boy the power to fly and talk to animals, including fish.