"By experience we find out a short way by a long wandering."
--Roger Ascham


Listening to... Just a Second by Jump, Little Children
Feeling... a little hyper from the coffee, which has translated into distraction not super-focus

The coffee was good. It was actually my first beverage-related thought before Diet Coke this morning. Yay, I'm that much closer to kicking my diet coke addicition.... by replacing it with an even more caffeinated coffee addiction. "Next you'll be using crack to get you off the cigarettes." (or something to that effect) In any event, I'm feeling very anti-studying now, but also very proud of my progress so far. If I can just get myself back over to the notebook and do the studying I've planned to do, I'll be a biology genius by 2:50.
Oh, a propos, I will be graduating in exactly one year (barring unforseen divine or evil intervention). Yay.


Friends quote of the week:
"You're a really nice person... apart from the ham stealing and adultery..." - Chandler

And an older one that comes to mind:
"Okay, how about for the rest of our lives, I'll be careful unless told otherwise. - Chandler to Monica
Listening too.... My oh My by David Gray
Feeling... good

So I may have f---ed up my grade in research methods. Hopefuly not, but possibly. On the up side, I'm feeling newly motivated to study for biology. That plus the big cup of coffee I just drank, I should be working hard late into the evening.
Listening to... Changing of the Guards by Rosebud
Feeling... Like I just woke up

Look! I posted on two consequtive days! I'm just 28 days from forming a positive habit. Of course, I am at home all freakin' day studying for finals, so I have a little more time and motivation for it... If I can post 2 or 3 times after I go home next week, I'll consider myself a success. If not, it's not like it really matters.
I'm excited about getting an email from my new french pen pal. Yay. I don't want to get too excited about chatting it up with a 17 year old friend-of-a-friend, but if he lets me butcher French to him, it would be so fun.


Some days just feel quote worthy....

If I were a lesbian, my girlfriend would be prettier than me. -me

That isn't flammable!! - not me, yelled in incongruent alarm

Sounds naughty. - Lisa (about Dirty Santa)
Lord of the Peeps

The Mirror Project

Listening to... Ben Harper
Feeling... blah

Current IM away message, because I want it recorded somewhere:

I pay $79.77 a day to be at Tech*. I sure am having eighty bucks worth of fun today...

*includes housing and all academic fees, counting weekend days. Does not include groceries, Old Navy trips
($44 of it is just because I live across one little state border-- be happy you HOPE-less GA kids)
hmm, also... saw my old post about watching Gilmore Girls. I would just like to express my delight, yet again, that Rory and Jess finally hooked up. That brought a lot of happiness to my night a couple of weeks ago. Although I finally have some intrigue in my social realm, I still put all of my romantic hopes and wishing into that show.
But first I have to mention that being a paranoid girl in a dorm in downtown Atlanta sucks. When every loud noise you hear brings up a thought of an attack, the stairwell right next to your room, constant air traffic, people banging around upstairs, loud trucks on the road just outside, EVERYTHING attracts your attention and paranoid thoughts. I may go insane, this will be the record of why.
Listening to... Cry me a river - Justin Timberlake (Yes, I'm ashamed)
Feeling... stressed, but not as much as I should be

Okay, really- I'm going to do this regularly. I swear. Instead of posting random things as my IM away message (or maybe as well as)... I'm going to put things here. It will be fun here goes...

I heard Billy Corgan's new band's new song. It was so good, I knew I loved him for a reason. They have a very minimalist site www.zwan.com Zwan will not top my favorite band names list, but as long as Corgan is back, I'll play nice and be satisfied. Okay, now I will attempt to get back to studying for my finals.