"By experience we find out a short way by a long wandering."
--Roger Ascham


Go Tech! Beat UConn or Dook!

There's some serious celebrating going down on campus. I just hope the firetrucks I hear are just passing by,
The uncomfortable hazards of being a research assistant:

Every once in a while, during our psych experiments, a participant tries to put the moves on one of the research assistants. It hasn't happened to me, but I'd rather count it as a blessing than try to understand why I don't have what it takes to get asked out by random weirdos.

Top Three weird-participant moments:
3. Sometimes they write their observations on their note paper. One such comment: "The researcher is hot, in a nerdy-girl sort of way." The RA in question erased the comment super-fast, but I still read it and laughed at her.

2. "So, what's your sign?" One participant used this line, followed by "Taurus? I'm a Leo, maybe we should hang out sometime." The RA was like "uhhhh, I'm not really allowed to" and hustled him out.

1. Preface: one of our ability tests is the diagramming relationships test. One of our RAs is a FASET (freshman orientation) leader who knew some of our participants through that program. One of those participants wrote her a little love note (with his phone number included):
Becky, when are you and I going to diagram OUR relationship?


UGA fools... I originally thought anyone could see this great UGA spoof. But apparently only on-campus techies can see it at uga.edu, so I grabbed a screen shot for you to enjoy. The academics link went to that basketball test that was all over the news last month, and other academic links went to a kindergarten's website. Of course. "how to give to UGA" went to a page that tells you how to give to Georgia Tech. Clever....


Here comes Peter Cottontail...
At work the other day, a coworker asked why the Easter Bunny exists. Being a know-it-all, I explained that it was a leftover of pagan rituals, adopted by Christians so they didn't have to give up their fun rituals just because they stopped being pagan (it reminds me a little of Jews for Jesus). Anyway, I found some support for my stance here, and some info about why exactly there is a Mr Easter Bunny (a la Santa) here (3rd paragraph). But I still like the theory my coworker had as a child: "I figured when Mary Magdalene went to the tomb, the Easter Bunny was the one who told her that Jesus was gone."

I think the most important Easter question is will my mom remember to put a lot of chocolate in my Easter care package?!?
I would be the first to admit that I had a big crush on Josh in high school. My platonic admiration has grown because I would never have the nerve to do all the great world travelling he's done. However, his new blog tests even my devotion.

I'm just kidding... but I'm also a little freaked out by the chest hair. His interest in Austin powers (as exemplified by all of the references to Austin Powers in his old webpages) suddenly makes sense in terms of identifying with Agent Powers in certain ways.


For several months, I've been lamenting my upcoming (i.e., August) loss of GT cable (I have ten movie channels) since I probably can't afford the kind of cable I want as a grad student (I looooove my ten movie channels). But now, my personal knight in shining armor - Senator John McCain - is trying to get the cable system to offer a la carte programming. How much would that rock? I (heart) McCain. Just make sure it happens before August!
Pictures of Iowa City, IA where I potentially might live next year.

Would I be moving to Iowa or the 1950's?

(I'm referring to the store fronts... the van is straight out of the 80s.)
"If Condoleezza Rice can find time to do '60 Minutes' on television before the American people, she ought to find 60 minutes to speak to the commission under oath," Kerry said while campaigning Saturday.

Kerry chastises Rice for 9/11 commission absence
It's getting ugly, y'all.