"By experience we find out a short way by a long wandering."
--Roger Ascham


A Harry Wednesday

The trailer for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is out now, and you can watch it here (the one on Yahoo is of better quality than ones on YouTube). It looks creepy, with Tom Riddle being the not so normal lad. Man, I don't remember much from the book since it was years ago when I read it.

The three of us are looking forward to November 21, 2008!

In other news, this fruit vendor on the street was really rude to me when I was scrutinizing strawberry packages. I saw some mold in one and he abruptly whisked that box away from me, tossed out the offending berry, and put the box back. Now that's just shady because strawberries are sold by weight. I walked away from the man after he was rude, telling me to hurry up and buy because I've touched every box there was. Please. I'll keep my $3 then. There's no excuse for rudeness in any customer service position, especially when I was not rude. It's not like I was damaging the fruit or anything. What a butt.


"Fish, the deluxe pedi please."

A couple of days ago, I read about this fish pedicure on Yahoo and as a pedicure enthusiast, I thought about if I would do that or not. I'm not sure how sanitary the fish foot bath is. But then again, it's a neat idea. It's $35 for 15 minutes. Maybe I would do it if someone paid for me. But poor fish, dining on grungy dead skin.