"By experience we find out a short way by a long wandering."
--Roger Ascham


"I didn't meet a bunch of new people, I made Quinn want to throw herself down a well, and I came home with this bonus sock. All in all, a great time."
-- Daria
Friday Five:

1. Do you like to shop? Why or why not?
Yes, because I enjoy getting new things.

2. What was the last thing you purchased? A gift for my dad- What Einstein Told His Barber - it has explanations of all manners of nerdy stuff (i.e., we all know there's an absolute zero, what's the hottest matter can get?)

3. Do you prefer shopping online or at an actual store? Why? Depends on the product. Well, I guess I always prefer an actual store-- ASSUMING: I can go at a non-crowded time, and I've done my research. But I often buy online when it's convenient and cheaper.

4. Did you get an allowance as a child? How much was it? Yes. Somewhere in my early teens my dad decided we would all get a dollar for every year old we were (i.e., I got $15 a week when I was 15). Yes that was a lot, but we were expected to pay for our entertainment and save up for big stuff we wanted... but mom would still buy us clothes and stuff so we were totally spoiled.

5. What was the last thing you regret purchasing? Ummmm, I have several pairs of shoes that looked cooler/non-foot-scarring in the store but that live a quiet life of shame in my closet now.
(a) So the yearly rivalries have played out... I can say "War Eagle" with pride and "To Hell with Georgia" with a hint of bitterness.

(b) Carter linked to a story about a woman knocked unconscious in a DVD sale stampede at Walmart, with the commentary "What's wrong with America?' This was amusing, but the truly disturbing part of the story was this:
"Paramedics called to the store found VanLester unconscious on top of a DVD player, surrounded by shoppers seemingly oblivious to her, said Mark O'Keefe, a spokesman for EVAC Ambulance."
If she was rushing towards the DVDs, but not there (since people had to rush beyond her to the goods) how did the player get under her?? I think the truly messed up person is her sister, who probably went on to grab a player and then stashed it under the woman for safe-keeping. Hmmm....


Three things: Daria quotes on self-esteem (in honor of the term paper I'm writing):

1. Daria: I like having low self esteem. It makes me special.

2. Daria: Don't worry, I don't have low self-esteem. It's a mistake.
Jake: I'll say.
Daria: I have low esteem for everyone else.

3. Helen: I'm going to spend the next of the day working on your self esteem.
Daria: Mom, I'm in the hands of professionals. Any meddling by you could be detrimental to my existence.

You know you want more: here are two good sources here and there.
Yeah, so I became very sick shortly after that last post... I didn't get to go to the grandparents. I stayed home and slept all day (Seriously, I woke up to eat and let the barking dogs out, but other than that I slept until 6pm). Luckily, most of the leftovers were sent home to me, so I had reheated wonderful food that night. I'll see the Grandparents at graduation in two weeks (yeah, a frighteningly short time from now), but it was such a let down to miss the festivities.

PS- I may have said lots of positive things about the yogurt a few weeks back, but make no mistake- my grandmother's turkey dressing is my favorite food. I have a whole tub of it to myself- heaven!!


I'm at home. The new DSL is very acceptable. Some friends and I just hit up Buffalo's, a lovely establishment in downtown which provided us with more AHS sitings than you could shake a stick at. Seriously. It was lots of fun calling out everyone we saw (but not speaking to any of them). It was also very fun to see my friends. Makes me wish I still had friends at Tech... It's bedtime. I'll be hitting the road early tomorrow (technically later today) like the rest of the US to see the rest of my ridiculously small family. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Mix your casseroles and load up on some stuffing. I'm thankful for Thanksgiving food (and my family, partially because they make the food).


Food Review: Campbell's Select - Chicken with Egg Noodles

How can something with 41% of my daily intake of sodium be so flavorless? I like the chunks of real-looking chicken, but I'll stick with my cupasoup.
Yeah Yeah I know all of my links are to CNN, BUT this is very important:

Jonathan Brandis of SeaQuest and Neverending Story II committed suicide earlier this month. So sad, I had such a huge crush on him in high school when SeaQuest came out. I remember trying to be nonchalant while renting Ladybugs and the Neverending Story II so my dad wouldn't realize I had a big-time crush.

The New York Times had a better obituary and I stand corrected- I had a crush on him in junior high. Didn't seem quite that long ago...


Natalie Maines (of the Dixie Chicks) is my kind of girl. She still has plenty to say about Bush and his war:

"I think people were misled and I think people are fighting a war that they didn't know they were going to be fighting,and I think they were misled by people who should have been asking questions and weren't."

Even if she had been sounding off on something I didn't agree with, I would still respect her for having the nerve to say unpopular things when no one else seemed willing to. Girl power!
Nerd fun:

"There are 10 types of people in the world: those who can count in binary and those who cannot."
I know not everyone is a Delta-phile, but FYI- CEO Leo Mullins is retiring next year. The whole "I won't take my salary while we're laying off 30,000 people but I will secretly take my several million dollar bonus" chicanery ticked me off, but I still have residual admiration for him.... cause I'm so company-loyal I guess.


I gave the new Sarah McLachlan album (Afterglow) the triple-play treatment and I like it... a lot. Maybe after another 50 or so plays I will like it as much as Surfacing or Fumbling, but for now it's just really enjoyable.