"By experience we find out a short way by a long wandering."
--Roger Ascham


Miley makes me frowny.

Hey Agent99, what's the deal with this Miley Cyrus chick? I see her everywhere, and I don't know what the hell she does, pretend to be two people on a Disney show? And by everywhere, I mean my gossip blogs, Fandango, and Newsweek. Can she even sing? My contribution is that she looks better as a brunette than as a blonde.

Remember when Billy Ray Cyrus had a hit song? Yeah, I try to block that out too.


Booker It

I've actually started reading for fun again, magazines not counting. Inspired about a recent discussion at work about the Booker Prize (the UK's top fiction award for writers from The Commonwealth meaning no Americans), I've decided to try and read one book from each year of my life that has either won or made the shortlist. Already I'm on my way. It's funny because the book I was reading and put on hiatus and the one I'm knee deep in now are both Booker books. I need to catch up on my Newbery Medals too. Too many books!


Breakfast parties

Rarely have I been to a party where the number of guys seriously outnumbers the number of girls present. Usually it's the other way around. I know the term for the former is "sausage fest" but what's the phrase for the latter? I propose "egg fest" (get it?) but Urban Dictionary came to the rescue. Ugh, the term I found there isn't as clever as mine.

Vote today if you're in a Super Tuesday state! I'm not sure why Edwards and Kucinich are still on the ballot. I didn't get an I Voted! sticker. What's the point in voting if no one knows? Kidding. No matter, I blab enough about voting to everyone I know, sticker or no sticker.

Spell check is messed up. If there are any typos, please excuse.


Eyeing movies

A friend and I were talking about how The Eye starring Jessica Alba has a cool poster, but that's not enough to make us shell out cold hard cash to watch that sucky actress stink up a mediocre Hong Kong flick. Yes, I actually saw the original. There's something about trashing Jessica Talentless Alba that make me feel better in general. If you want intelligent thrills with fine acting, check out Spain's The Orphanage. And why is Will Ferrell in yet another sports-related movie? That's enough dude. Plus it's almost Valentine's Day which means a deluge of lukewarm romantic comedies. I'm over romcoms.

Oh yeah, and I am still confused about who to vote for. I guess I'll sort it out/toss a coin tomorrow.