The "Official" Friday Five
1. List five things you'd like to accomplish by the end of the year. Graduate, apply to grad school, finish my scarf and finish "When Prophecy Fails". Oh I need a fifth one... umm, I hope to start my semester-off projects before the new year.
2. List five people you've lost contact with that you'd like to hear from again. May Mitchell, my middle school best friend who gradually dropped out of the pen pal relationship we had. I've also let some of my high school friends slide... like Kelly and Deborah, I hear updates on the rest through the grapevine. Stephanie and Lane, too...
3. List five things you'd like to learn how to do. Play cello, play piano better, speak German, write Japanese, ballroom dancing.
4. List five things you'd do if you won the lottery (no limit). Pay off my student loans, buy a house, give a bunch to my family for various things, establish my retirement fund, buy 3 X K a Ferrari?
5. List five things you do that help you relax. Watch HBO, TLC, Discovery Channel, read blogs, work on my blog.
"It's my real name. My mother's name is Rose Rock. It was the worst name as a kid to have. They called me Piece of the Rock, Plymouth Rock, Joe Rockid, and Flintstones. Now they call me MISTER Rock." - Chris Rock
BTW- Why aren't there more quote pages for the funniest man ever? I guess breaking him into bite-sized quotes misses some of the fun of his stand up.
BTW- Why aren't there more quote pages for the funniest man ever? I guess breaking him into bite-sized quotes misses some of the fun of his stand up.
Three things: Nerdy stuff I looked into:
1. How computers play chess. I already knew "how" they worked, but I found that site while trying to end a debate about whether the computer would assume human error, which I thought would not be true...and it's not, the computer assumes perfect play.
2. How dolphins sleep without drowning. Another howstuffworks page. I heard about the one-hemisphere-at-a-time method in class, and I had to look into that. How efficient would that be?? I love going to sleep too much to trade it in for more study time.
3. I'm not going to waste time thinking up another thing I've searched (though I did seek and find descriptions of that Paris Hilton video. It sounds like a hoot.) just go to and find something. All of their articles are good.
1. How computers play chess. I already knew "how" they worked, but I found that site while trying to end a debate about whether the computer would assume human error, which I thought would not be true...and it's not, the computer assumes perfect play.
2. How dolphins sleep without drowning. Another howstuffworks page. I heard about the one-hemisphere-at-a-time method in class, and I had to look into that. How efficient would that be?? I love going to sleep too much to trade it in for more study time.
3. I'm not going to waste time thinking up another thing I've searched (though I did seek and find descriptions of that Paris Hilton video. It sounds like a hoot.) just go to and find something. All of their articles are good.
Three things: Blogs and Nerdiness
1. Get Mozilla. Forget IE, it has led you astray. I loooove tabs-- you will too once you know what they are. Also, I'm not sure whether you can do this with IE, but I now have mozilla checking blogs for me. Instead of the variable interval reinforcement I was under before (which was causing me to check all blogs CONSTANTLY for updates) I now only respond to a little red star next to my links (it indicates when the page has been updated).
2. I very recently got a free trial of Web-Stat because I was curious to see if anyone besides 3 X K and Erin were reading this thing. Let me tell you, I feel like the coolest person ever. I can't even imagine how many hits lotsofco and web-goddess must get. I was checking their pages ten times a day before I discovered the Mozilla trick (see above). Little things make me happy...
3. I was thinking about whether my high school friends and I could manage a gossip blog... I found out a lot via Ware Jewelers and their bridal registry and only Laura has benefitted so far. I will ponder this, but as I know at least two of these friends will read this, get back to me on whether we want to create a public record of how catty and gossipy we are.
1. Get Mozilla. Forget IE, it has led you astray. I loooove tabs-- you will too once you know what they are. Also, I'm not sure whether you can do this with IE, but I now have mozilla checking blogs for me. Instead of the variable interval reinforcement I was under before (which was causing me to check all blogs CONSTANTLY for updates) I now only respond to a little red star next to my links (it indicates when the page has been updated).
2. I very recently got a free trial of Web-Stat because I was curious to see if anyone besides 3 X K and Erin were reading this thing. Let me tell you, I feel like the coolest person ever. I can't even imagine how many hits lotsofco and web-goddess must get. I was checking their pages ten times a day before I discovered the Mozilla trick (see above). Little things make me happy...
3. I was thinking about whether my high school friends and I could manage a gossip blog... I found out a lot via Ware Jewelers and their bridal registry and only Laura has benefitted so far. I will ponder this, but as I know at least two of these friends will read this, get back to me on whether we want to create a public record of how catty and gossipy we are.
Ohhhh my. Do not click this link unless you are older than 18 and can handle inappropriate video without getting offended.
Hot doggy style video
Hot doggy style video
Top Three: Toys I'm glad to see make a comeback
1. Care Bears
2. Shrinky Dinks
3. Strawberry Shortcake
On the one hand, seeing Care Bears in the store makes me giddy. On the other hand, they're back because toy makers are trying to get parents to buy toys that they themselves played with when they were young. This is disturbing. People my age who played with carebears and shrinky dinks are now procreating. Eek!
Public Service Announcement- I have confirmed that the new Shrinky Dinks do NOT require the little oven thing. You can still put them in a regular oven. Tricky marketing...
1. Care Bears
2. Shrinky Dinks
3. Strawberry Shortcake
On the one hand, seeing Care Bears in the store makes me giddy. On the other hand, they're back because toy makers are trying to get parents to buy toys that they themselves played with when they were young. This is disturbing. People my age who played with carebears and shrinky dinks are now procreating. Eek!
Public Service Announcement- I have confirmed that the new Shrinky Dinks do NOT require the little oven thing. You can still put them in a regular oven. Tricky marketing...
Man... Roommates are a source of constant amusement. I think one of them is role playing with her boyfriend in the living room. They're talking loudly and inanely and as if they were meeting in a coffee shop. They need to clear out so I can make lunch without interrupting fun time.
"Excuse me, is this seat taken?"
"Do you mind if I sit here?"
"Excuse me, is this seat taken?"
"Do you mind if I sit here?"
"No, please sit."
"What book are you reading?"
"The Sound and the Fury"
"What book are you reading?"
"The Sound and the Fury"
"Faulkner, do you like Faulkner?"
Turns out they're practicing.... and repeating stuff a bunch... and Mr Overacting is teaching her how to "act". I'm glad they don't know about this blog.
"Excuse me, is this seat taken?"
"Do you mind if I sit here?"
"Excuse me, is this seat taken?"
"Do you mind if I sit here?"
"No, please sit."
"What book are you reading?"
"The Sound and the Fury"
"What book are you reading?"
"The Sound and the Fury"
"Faulkner, do you like Faulkner?"
Turns out they're practicing.... and repeating stuff a bunch... and Mr Overacting is teaching her how to "act". I'm glad they don't know about this blog.
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