"By experience we find out a short way by a long wandering."
--Roger Ascham


"It's just this whole day [Valentine's Day]. It's like an evil conspiracy created by the greeting card people, and the flower people, and the candy people. Well, not the candy people... they do god's work." - Grace (Will & Grace)

I just got my mom's V-day care package, and there can never be enough chocolate. She did well with this one. God bless the candy makers and my mom.


So, I went to the Winter Carnival this weekend after much anticipation. It
was probably the lamest Winter Carnival on record. It was 54 degrees on
Saturday, the ice sculptures were demolished on Friday because they were
a hazard, and the 10,000 frozen lakes were not frozen enough to support
much activity. Nonetheless, I had a blast in St Paul.

Aided by the unseasonable weather, the Vulcans overthrew the royal Snow Family, and a victory torchlight parade was had. I made sure I was marked
with a V by one of the victorious Vulcans. (I also got some beads during the
parade, but there were no shenanigans to get them).

The parade was great, but it was nothing compared to my first trip to IKEA.
It was everything I thought it would be AND MORE.

My companions laughed at me when I said I'd spent whole evenings putting
together rooms on their website, but they ended up buying even more than
I did (you can't deny its fabulousity!) It's already cold again, but I'll be back
to the twin cities as soon as possible.

By the way, the lovely city of Rudd, IA has great self-esteem:

(the sign reads "Rudd/ Not bigger... just better.")