"By experience we find out a short way by a long wandering."
--Roger Ascham


Just to amuse:
From an NYT article on the content of discarded grocery lists--
"People send messages to one another, too. Buried in one list is this statement: ''If you buy more rice, I'll punch you.'' And plenty of shoppers, like the one with both ice cream and diet pills on the list, reveal their vices."
This map from CNN proves what I'd heard about the presidential campaign ads- living in a swing state sucks. I'm so sick of the mudslinging ads. I voted already, leave me alone! No matter what happens on Tuesday, at least the ads will go away.


I'm filing this away for future use:
Chandler: Oh really? You think you’re stronger? Why don’t you prove it?
Ross: Oh, I’ll prove it, I’ll prove it like a theorem!!!

(the whole script)


Yay! Halloween fun-- carve a pumpkin.

(link courtesy of Metafilter)


Where you from?
I'm from Iowa.
I was in Atlanta once.
Iowa's not in the south. You know that, right?
No, I didn't.

As part of my week-without-cable/watching-DVDs-from-the-library extravanganza, I just enjoyed Sidewalks of New York. I'm still in love with Garden State, but I really enjoyed this movie. One, for Rosario Dawson and Heather Graham and a fun mish-mash of recognizable, b-list faces; two, for David Krumholtz singing a Pete Yorn song (I rediscovered his album recently); and three, for the reference (above) to Iowa (I feel like I'm in an exclusive "I know where Iowa is" club). Why do I have this obsession with anything that's exclusive? Maybe it's a middle child thing, to want to be unique. But this is about the movie, not my fixations. Good movie.


I almost posted a love note to Garden State last night, but I decided to wait and see how I felt today. I still love it and I finally understand what people mean when a song or movie 'changed their life' (it didn't really change my life, but it gave me that feeling). I know it's not cool to love a movie that everyone else loves and I try not to be seduced into thinking that these almost mainstream movies count as cool and independent, but I loved Lost in Translation, LOVED Secretary, and am head over heels for Garden State.

Now, I'm not saying you should go see it, because I like to feel that this movie now belongs to me, but if you like my kind of movies and can go and enjoy it without telling me about it, you might be better for it.