Watching... Gosford Park
Feeling... indecisive
I've been majorly indecisive lately, and tonight is no exception. The counselors are hanging out as usual, but I'd rather stay home and finish my movie. On the other hand, I would like to see a few of the counselors. I don't know if hanging out with them is worth dealing with the others.
Last night only five of us turned up for a movie night. Four of them played spades while I watched a movie. I have never encounter such a rude bunch of people. At least not in people I thought were friends. I don't like playing spades, and they know this, but I can't imagine I would ever play a game that excluded only one person in a party. They could've at least asked if I wanted to play. OR when I blatantly complained at the end of one game and before they began a second game, they wouldn't even switch games. Megan insisted that she didn't want to play any of the other games. Grrrr!!!! I can't believe there are such inconsiderate people. Well, I guess I can.
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