"By experience we find out a short way by a long wandering."
--Roger Ascham


Alacrity salutes Michael Cera

Agent99 and I adore Michael Cera. To me, he's like a sweet younger brother type. Luckily we aren't old enough to be his moms, whew. In under a year, I've seen him in Arrested Development, Superbad, and Juno, and I've enjoyed all of his performances, and yes, he does sorta play the same dopey dork in each project, but he does it with pizazz. And he gets to make out with chicks in all three, so go him! We are looking forward to Mr. Cera's upcoming projects with glee.


lcbannon said...

awwww - sweet boy! i do love him so! and i'm super pumped about the arrested development movie that has been announced! yay!

Parker said...

Me too! Me too! I want to have his nerd babies like Juno!

lcbannon said...

nerd babies...i didn't even think of that...i would so have his nerd babies!!!

Inessa said...

I'll leave the babies to you guys, but AD movie? I'm so there!

lcbannon said...

i'll come back from posting retirement and discuss the AD movie!