"By experience we find out a short way by a long wandering."
--Roger Ascham


Who is America's Funniest Senator??

Zug.com got several senators to send them their favorite joke by posing as a 10 year old boy with a social science project. It's nice to know there are some good natured folks in DC (most likely just interns). If you don't have time to read all of them (come on, only a handful of the 100 responded), here are my five favorites (you'll have to go to the site to read them):

1. Jon Corzine (I agree with the zug.com guy, this was the only one that made me laugh out loud)
2. Olympia Snowe
3. John McCain (love this guy....)
4. Chuck Hagel (who doesn't love a terrible pun?)
5. Kent Conrad (old joke, but still funny)

(link courtesy of FARK)

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